Eleven Possible Cases

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.3 stars; 24 reviews)

This book brings together eleven stories, each a case of intrigue where more is going on than seems at first. - Summary by A. Gramour (6 hr 57 min)


The Only Girl at Overlook by Franklin Fyles. CHAPTER I. 24:45 Read by Lynne T
The Only Girl at Overlook by Franklin Fyles. CHAPTER II. 16:51 Read by Lynne T
The Only Girl at Overlook by Franklin Fyles. CHAPTER III 20:06 Read by Lynne T
A Thing that Glistened by Frank R. Stockton 17:42 Read by Garth Burton
A Lion and a Lioness by Joaquin Miller. CHAPTER I. 7:10 Read by Monty Spanarro
A Lion and a Lioness by Joaquin Miller. CHAPTER II. 9:17 Read by Monty Spanarro
A Lion and a Lioness by Joaquin Miller. CHAPTER III. 9:20 Read by Monty Spanarro
A Lion and a Lioness by Joaquin Miller. CHAPTER IV. 22:29 Read by Monty Spanarro
The Cheated Juliet by Q. 13:21 Read by Garth Burton
The Mystic Krewe by Maurice Thompson. CHAPTER I. 15:06 Read by Kate Follis
The Mystic Krewe by Maurice Thompson. CHAPTER II. 7:51 Read by Kate Follis
The Mystic Krewe by Maurice Thompson. CHAPTER III. 7:14 Read by Kate Follis
The Mystic Krewe by Maurice Thompson. CHAPTER IV. 12:48 Read by Kate Follis
The Mystic Krewe by Maurice Thompson. CHAPTER V. 5:38 Read by Kate Follis
Strange Adventures of a Million Dollars by Ingersoll Lockwood 21:40 Read by Kate Follis
A Lost Day by Edgar Fawcett 19:18 Read by Monty Spanarro
A Tragedy of High Explosives by Brainard Gardner Smith. CHAPTER I. 17:09 Read by Jason in Panama
A Tragedy of High Explosives by Brainard Gardner Smith. CHAPTER II. 15:35 Read by Jason in Panama
A Tragedy of High Explosives by Brainard Gardner Smith. CHAPTER III. 17:29 Read by Jason in Panama
A Tragedy of High Explosives by Brainard Gardner Smith. CHAPTER IV. 13:58 Read by Jason in Panama
A Tragedy of High Explosives by Brainard Gardner Smith. CHAPTER V. 8:54 Read by Jason in Panama
The Bushwhacker's Gratitude by Kirke Munroe 21:05 Read by tovarisch
The End of All by Nym Crinkle. PART I. 14:50 Read by Kate Follis
The End of All by Nym Crinkle. PART II. 16:14 Read by Kate Follis
The End of All by Nym Crinkle. PART III. 13:40 Read by Kate Follis
The End of All by Nym Crinkle. PART IV. 17:32 Read by Kate Follis
Shall He Marry Her? By Anna Katherine Green CHAPTER I. 22:53 Read by tovarisch
Shall He Marry Her? By Anna Katherine Green CHAPTER II. 11:52 Read by tovarisch


Assortment of cases and readers. Only last one is AKG.

(4 stars)