What the White Race May Learn from the Indian
George Wharton James
Read by Roger Melin

People learn from other people, and races have forever learned from other races. Herein we are treated to an in-depth understanding of categorized social characteristics of the Native American peoples, primarily those of the western U.S. as they existed at the time of book publication (1908). 'In dealing with [the Native Americans] as a race, a people, therefore, I do as I would with my own race, I take what to me seem to be racial characteristics, or in other words, the things that are manifested in the lives of the best men and women, and which seem to represent their habitual aims, ambitions, and desires.' - Summary by Roger Melin & book foreword (7 hr 17 min)
Fair advice, very old fashaioned, a bit repetetive & long winded

Captain Felix
Its an absolute complete picture of what the American Indians are like in almost evert aspect of their lives. He breaks it down into every section that he thought was important at the time. However some people will always keep in mind the age of this wisdom, which is well over a century old. But alot of this can count for even todays lifestyle. He's very long winded in some of whatvhe says & unfortunately repeats alot of the wisdom he mentioned before. The narrator tells this tale very well. In fact, if it weren't for him, I would've fallen asleep in the first 10 minutes! So well done Roger. 4 out of 5 ☆ for the sheer volume of it all.
a worthwhile listen

A valuable perspective on what matters in life, health, and relations from a writer who has. Pearly walked in the ways of the native Americans. I found it pretty easy listening and well read.