A History Of England

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.5 stars; 3 reviews)

A one-volume survey of the history of England from Celtic and Roman times through the end of the nineteenth century. Muscular prose makes an exciting narrative emphasizing the political, military, and religious history of the kingdom. Oman dwells heavily on the role of moral probity, intellectual caliber, and energy, or failings in any of those areas, on the part of monarchs and other men or women of power in driving the course of events. Most chapters begin, and some end as well, with a discourse on the character of the monarch or leading politicians of the period under consideration, and similar assessments are adduced as needed in the course of the narrative. The author maintains sobriety in his accolades for leaders he admires, but those he considers villainous or incompetent, lazy, and purely self-interested come in for colorful denunciations such as the description of one king as “a selfish, hard-hearted, unamiable, and uninteresting man” and the characterization of corrupt politicians in the reign of another monarch as “disgraceful personalities…squalid intriguers…a crew of sharpers and hypocrites.” Often, however, he finds a very human mixture of virtues and vices, strengths and weaknesses, and discerns benefits to the nation from the governance even of some flawed but intelligent and energetic leaders. Summary by Pattymarie (34 hr 27 min)


Celtic and Roman Britain 39:44 Read by pattymarie
The Coming of the English 26:44 Read by pattymarie
The Conversion of England, and the Rise of Wessex. 597-836 29:44 Read by pattymarie
The Danish Invasions, and the Great Kings of Wessex, 836-975, Part 1 26:40 Read by pattymarie
The Danish Invasions, and the Great Kings of Wessex, 836-975, Part 2 28:25 Read by pattymarie
The Days of Cnut and Edward the Confessor, part 1 23:03 Read by pattymarie
The Days of Cnut and Edward the Confessor, part 2 27:55 Read by pattymarie
The Norman Conquest, part 1 21:50 Read by pattymarie
The Norman Conquest, 1066-1087, part 2 24:46 Read by pattymarie
William the Red, Henry I, Stephen, 1087-1154, part 1 17:55 Read by pattymarie
William the Red, Henry I, Stephen, 1087-1154, part 2 21:42 Read by pattymarie
William the Red, Henry I, Stephen, 1087-1154, part 3 13:58 Read by pattymarie
Henry II, 1154-1189, part 1 30:40 Read by pattymarie
Henry II. 1154-1189, part 2 26:09 Read by pattymarie
Richard I. and John. 1189-1216, part 1 29:21 Read by pattymarie
Richard I. and John. 1189-1216, part 2 38:51 Read by pattymarie
Henry III. 1216-1272, part 1 20:08 Read by pattymarie
Henry III. 1216-1272, part 2 21:52 Read by pattymarie
Chapter 11. Edward I, 1272 - 1307, part 1 20:47 Read by pattymarie
Chapter 11. Edward I, 1272 - 1307, part 2 34:09 Read by pattymarie
Chapter 11. Edward I, 1272 - 1307, part 3 23:03 Read by pattymarie
Edward II, 1307 - 1327 28:13 Read by pattymarie
Edward III. 1327-1377, part 1 30:11 Read by pattymarie
Edward III. 1327-1377, part 2 20:37 Read by pattymarie
Edward III. 1327-1377, part 3 17:08 Read by pattymarie
Richard II. 1377-1399, part 1 18:54 Read by pattymarie
Richard II. 1377-1399, part 2 20:16 Read by pattymarie
Henry IV. 1399-1413 22:41 Read by pattymarie
Henry V. 1413-1422 part 1 13:59 Read by pattymarie
Henry V. 1413-1422 part 2 21:05 Read by pattymarie
The Loss of France. 1422-1453 part 1 27:15 Read by pattymarie
The Loss of France. 1422-1453 part 2 25:42 Read by pattymarie
Chapter 18. The Wars of the Roses. 1454-1471 part 1 18:14 Read by Paul Lawley-Jones
Chapter 18. The Wars of the Roses. 1454-1471 part 2 20:01 Read by Paul Lawley-Jones
Chapter 19. The Fall of the House of York. 1471-1485 part 1 17:35 Read by Paul Lawley-Jones
Chapter 19. The Fall of the House of York. 1471-1485 part 2 13:41 Read by Paul Lawley-Jones
Chapter 20. Henry VII. 1485-1509, Part 1 Beginning through “Warbeck and the Ear… 19:26 Read by Kerry Adams
Chapter 20. Henry VII 1485-1509, Part 2 Suppression of Livery and Maintenance (… 13:29 Read by Kerry Adams
Chapter 21. Henry VIII and the Breach With Rome. 1509-1536, Part 1, Beginning t… 16:33 Read by Paul Lawley-Jones
Chapter 21. Henry VIII and the Breach With Rome. 1509-1536, Part 2, “Condition … 17:10 Read by Paul Lawley-Jones
Chapter 22. English Reformation. 1536-1553, Part 1 Beginning through “Marriages… 25:06 Read by Paul Lawley-Jones
Chapter 22. The English Reformation. 1536-1553, Part 2 “Scottish War.--Battle o… 22:46 Read by Paul Lawley-Jones
Chapter 23. The Catholic Reaction. 1553-1558 14:47 Read by Inkell
Chapter 24. Elizabeth. 1558-1603, Part I Beginning through The Rising in the No… 22:17 Read by Paul Lawley-Jones
Chapter 24. Elizabeth. 1558-1603, Part 2 "Religious Wars in Europe" (First word… 15:29 Read by Paul Lawley-Jones
Chapter 24. Elizabeth. 1558-1603, Part 3, "Last Plot of Mary Queen of Scots" (F… 15:50 Read by Paul Lawley-Jones
Chapter 24. Elizabeth. 1558-1603, Part 4 "Growth of Foreign Trade" (first words… 20:55 Read by Paul Lawley-Jones
Chapter 25. James I. 1603-1625, Part 1 Beginning through "The Gun Powder Plot" 14:12 Read by James R. Hedrick
Chapter 25. James I. 1603-1625, Part 2 "Strife between the king and parliament"… 17:15 Read by James R. Hedrick
Chapter 26. The Reign of Charles I. to the Outbreak of the Civil War. 1625-1642… 12:09 Read by ebarnett
Chapter 26. The Reign of Charles I. to the Outbreak of the Civil War. 1625-1642… 13:59 Read by ebarnett
Chapter 26. The Reign of Charles I. to the Outbreak of the Civil War. 1625-1642… 12:31 Read by ebarnett
Chapter 26. The Reign of Charles I. to the Outbreak of the Civil War. 1625-1642… 8:48 Read by ebarnett
Chapter 27. The Great Civil War. 1642-1651, Part 1 Beginning through "The Solem… 19:30 Read by ebarnett
Chapter 27. The Great Civil War. 1642-1651, Part 2, "Charles seeks aid from Ire… 12:38 Read by ebarnett
Chapter 27. The Great Civil War. 1642-1651, Part 3, " 1645. Battle of Naseby.—T… 10:33 Read by ebarnett
Chapter 27. The Great Civil War. 1642-1651, Part 4, "Parliament and the army" t… 17:44 Read by ebarnett
Chapter 28. Cromwell. 1651-1660, Part 1, Beginning through "Cromwell dissolves … 10:56 Read by Cavaet
Chapter 28. Cromwell. 1651-1660, Part 2, "The Barebones Parliament" through the… 19:22 Read by Cavaet
Chapter 29. Charles II. 1660-1685, Part 1, Beginning through "The Fire in Londo… 15:52 Read by Inkell
Chapter 29. Charles II. 1660-1685, Part 2, "The Peace of Breda" through end of … 15:29 Read by Inkell
Chapter 30. James II. 1685-1688 15:48 Read by Inkell
Chapter 31. William and Mary. 1688-1702, Part 1, Beginning through "The Protest… 21:54 Read by jenno
Chapter 31. William and Mary. 1688-1702, Part 2, "The French War.--Tory disaff… 20:09 Read by jenno
Chapter 32. Anne. 1702-1714, Part 1, Beginning through "Gibraltar taken by the … 15:53 Read by russcallawag
Chapter 32. Anne. 1702-1714, Part 2, "The campaign of 1705" through "The union … 14:36 Read by russcallawag
Chapter 32. Anne. 1702-1714, Part 3, "The growing unpopularity of the whigs" th… 18:22 Read by russcallawag
Chapter 33. The Rule of the Whigs. 1714-1739, Part 1, Beginning through “Mar’s … 20:32 Read by Michael Merrell
Chapter 33. The Rule of the Whigs. 1714-1739, Part 2, “The Second Attempt of th… 18:33 Read by Michael Merrell
Chapter 34. The Development of the Colonial Empire of Britain. 1739-1760, Part … 16:43 Read by Matt Stiner
Chapter 34. The Development of the Colonial Empire of Britain. 1739-1760, Part … 14:47 Read by Matt Stiner
Chapter 34. The Development of the Colonial Empire of Britain. 1739-1760, Part … 31:30 Read by Matt Stiner
Chapter 34. The Development of the Colonial Empire of Britain. 1739-1760, Part … 28:21 Read by Matt Stiner
Chapter 35. George III. and the Whigs—The American War. 1760-1783, Part 1, Begi… 16:58 Read by James R. Hedrick
Chapter 35. George III. and the Whigs—The American War. 1760-1783, Part 2, “The… 17:08 Read by James R. Hedrick
Chapter 35. George III. and the Whigs—The American War. 1760-1783, Part 3, “Th… 22:45 Read by James R. Hedrick
Chapter 36. THE YOUNGER PİTT, AND THE RECOVERY OF ENGLİSH PROSPERİTY. 1782-1793… 12:29 Read by elmachina
Chapter 36. THE YOUNGER PİTT, AND THE RECOVERY OF ENGLİSH PROSPERİTY. 1782-1793… 8:44 Read by elmachina
Chapter 36. THE YOUNGER PİTT, AND THE RECOVERY OF ENGLİSH PROSPERİTY. 1782-1793… 18:35 Read by elmachina
Chapter 37. England and the French Revolution. 1789-1802, Part 1, Beginning thr… 17:46 Read by ebarnett
Chapter 37. England and the French Revolution. 1789-1802, Part 2, “Lewis XVI. e… 26:00 Read by ebarnett
Chapter 37. England and the French Revolution. 1789-1802, Part 3, “Bonaparte in… 15:25 Read by ebarnett
Chapter 38. England and Bonaparte. 1802-1815, Part 1, Beginning through “Attemp… 14:50 Read by ebarnett
Chapter 38. England and Bonaparte. 1802-1815, Part 2, “Bonaparte assumes the ti… 17:01 Read by ebarnett
Chapter 38. England and Bonaparte. 1802-1815, Part 3, “The Berlin Decrees” thro… 23:12 Read by ebarnett
Chapter 38. England and Bonaparte. 1802-1815, Part 4, “Further Annexations by N… 24:36 Read by ebarnett
Chapter 39. Reaction and Reform. 1815-1832, Part 1, Beginning through “The roya… 16:57 Read by Paul Lawley-Jones
Chapter 39. Reaction and Reform. 1815—1832. Part 2. “The Government and the agi… 14:56 Read by Paul Lawley-Jones
Chapter 39. Reaction and Reform. 1815—1832. Part 3. “Wellington and the Greek I… 18:39 Read by Paul Lawley-Jones
Chapter 40. Chartism and the corn laws. 1832 – 1852. Part 1, Beginning through … 16:35 Read by jenno
Chapter 40. Chartism and the corn laws. 1832 – 1852. Part 2.“Death of William I… 15:28 Read by jenno
Chapter 40. Chartism and the corn laws. 1832 – 1852. Part 3 “The "Young Irelan… 23:01 Read by jenno
Chapter 41. The Days of Palmerston. 1852—1865. Part 1. Beginning through “The E… 22:13 Read by Rita Boutros
Chapter 41. The Days of Palmerston. 1852—1865. Part 2. “State of political part… 29:31 Read by Rita Boutros
Chapter 41. The Days of Palmerston. 1852—1865. Part 3. “Lord Palmerston premier… 17:44 Read by Rita Boutros
Chapter 41. The Days of Palmerston. 1852—1865. Part 4. “Palmerston returns to p… 13:53 Read by Rita Boutros
Chapter 42. Democracy and Imperialism. 1865—1885. Part 1. Beginning through “Th… 16:47 Read by Paul Lawley-Jones
Chapter 42. Democracy and Imperialism. 1865—1885. Part 2. “Gladstone prime min… 6:59 Read by Tatiana Chichilla
Chapter 42. Democracy and Imperialism. 1865—1885. Part 3. “Disraeli’s ministry… 7:27 Read by Tatiana Chichilla
Chapter 42. Democracy and Imperialism. 1865—1885. Part 4. “Gladstone’s second … 10:02 Read by Tatiana Chichilla
Chapter 43. The Last Years of Queen Victoria. 1886—1901. The South African War… 17:07 Read by Tatiana Chichilla
Chapter 43. The Last Years of Queen Victoria. 1886—1901. The South African War… 17:57 Read by CBinns
Chapter 44. India and the Colonies. 1815—1902. Part 1. Beginning through “Renew… 14:46 Read by James R. Hedrick
Chapter 44. India and the Colonies. 1815—1902. Part 2. “The First Afghan War. —… 11:44 Read by James R. Hedrick
Chapter 44. India and the Colonies. 1815—1902. Part 3. “Lord Canning Governor-G… 17:48 Read by James R. Hedrick
Chapter 44. India and the Colonies. 1815—1902. Part 4. “The Australian Penal se… 17:19 Read by James R. Hedrick


The audio gets better a few chapters in.

(5 stars)

Great calming voice. Interesting read!

(5 stars)

Preferred English speakers accents and pronunciation.