Historical Tales, Volume VII: Spanish
Charles Morris and Charles Mclean Andrews
Read by Kalynda

Volume VII of a series containing anecdotes and stories, some well-known, others less so, of particular countries. This seventh volume covers the history of Spain from before the Moorish conquest to the loss of overseas territories at the end of the 19th century, describing history for children and young adults in an exciting and novel manner. - Summary by Kalynda (7 hr 59 min)
the different tales:

Prior to 711 The Good Gothic King Wamba; the Daughter of the Greek King of Cadiz; King Roderic and the Enchanted Palace near Toledo; Period 711 - 1492 The Battle in the banks of the Guadalete river between King Roderic and Tarik; The splendid Table of Solomon, and Musa, Al-Walid and Soliman; The Story of Queen Exilona, born Elyata; The Gothic noble Pelistes, Defender of Cordova; The Stratagem of the Gothic Chief Theodomir with Abdul-Aziz; The Cave of Covadonga and Pelayo; The Adventures of a Fugitive Prince; Bernardo del Carpio; Ruy Diaz, the Cid Campeador; Las Navas de Tolosa; The Key to Granada; King Abul Hassan and the Alcaide of Gibraltar; The Rival Kings of Granada; The Knight of the Exploits; The Last Sigh of the Moor Period 1492 - 1898 The Return of Columbus; Peter the Cruel and the Free Companies; The Great Captain; A King in Captivity (Francis of France); The Invasion of Africa in 1509; An Emperor Retired from Business (1555); The Fate of a Reckless Prince, Don Carlos, Prince of Asturias, the son of Philip II (1568); Spain's Greatest Victory at Sea (the battle of Lepanto - Nafpaktops - in 1571); The Invincible Armada; The Causes of Spain's Decadence; The Last of a Royal Race (1570 in Sierra Nevada); Henry Morgan and the Buccaneers; Philip V, Princess Orsini, the bride Elizabeth Farnese and Prime Minister Alberoni; The Rock of Gibraltar; The Fall of a Favorite (Emanuel Godoy) in 1808; The Siege of Saragossa by the French army in 1808; The Hero of the Carlists; Manila and Santiago (1898)