The Secret Beneath the Ice
Andrew M. Crusoe
Read by Andrew M. Crusoe

When a thoughtship and its pilot finally reach Avani, the shimmering gem of the western spiral arm, they barely have a chance to marvel at its sapphire forests before they are ambushed by a mysterious enemy far beyond their understanding.
In the midst of the attack, a fragment is sliced off of the ship causing them to tumble out of control, down to the planet's surface. An ice-covered continent to the south is the only viable landing site, and what hides beneath may give them the chance to escape before isolation drives them mad.
This short story is a prequel to the THE TRUTH BEYOND THE SKY, available now at:
This book comes from Visit Scribl to support the author or learn how to self-publish your own audiobook.
PB-TSBI-01 | Read by Andrew M. Crusoe | |
PB-TSBI-02 | Read by Andrew M. Crusoe | |
PB-TSBI-03 | Read by Andrew M. Crusoe | |
PB-TSBI-04 | Read by Andrew M. Crusoe |

By: Lucie Le Blanc
Could be a good listen if not for the fact that this is offered as an "unabridged recording"... of an incomplete story. After 4 really short episodes (under 6 minutes), it just stops there. Going nowhere. And ends with a long promo of a future book. This kind of tactic ...

By: Jennifer Rose
This is a really compelling teaser to The Epic of Aravinda! Some time ago I read the Truth Beyond the Sky (free on Amazon from time to time, otherwise very affordable as an ebook), the first in Crusoe's series, and then happened upon this prequel. It's an exciting bit of ...

By: Mr P
I have to say, this has no place on Podiobooks It is not a short story, a novella or and audiobook ... it is a teaser avert for a written work ... Not AUDIO It is very sad to see the great work Podiobooks do, being abused in this way. ...

By: Joe
Very disappointed to see an audio book site being exploited by such a boring trailer as this. The story is less than a preface to a book and is only intended as an advert to other full work Given how bad and predictable the "story line" was i doubt it ...

By: Tricia Dion
I enjoyed this short, but compelling SF audiobook, and prelude to the book, The Truth Beyond the Sky. I've since read the book and look forward to listening to the full audiobook Mr. Crusoe released recently. I noticed a negative review by Mr. Public, and don't quite see where he's ...

By: Mark
I should have know better than to download given its up/down vote rating but i have a masochistic side and figured that it could not be that bad I was wrong, it was truly the worst i have listened to thank god it was so short i managed to get ...

By: John D
Podiobooks ... please delete this trash Sorry but i can not find one redeeming thing in this, so called story. As others have said it is short, incomplete and just plain bad ... if i had paid any money for it, i would not only ask for it back but ...

Paul Ajzenman
this audio "book" is an introduction to a story. it is not the story. It is disingenuous to call this an audio book.