Brood of Bones
A.E. Marling
Read by A.E. Marling

Cursed with endless drowsiness, Enchantress Hiresha sleeps more than she lives. Since she never has had a chance to raise a family, she sometimes feels like every woman is pregnant except for her.
This time, she is right. From virgin to grandmother, all the women in her city have conceived. One unexpected pregnancy is a drama; fifty thousand is citywide hysteria.
A lurking sorcerer drains power from the unnatural pregnancies, and Hiresha must track him by his magic. Unfortunately, her cultured education in enchantment ill equips her to understand his spellcraft, which is decidedly less than proper. The only person uncivilized enough to help is the Lord of the Feast, a dangerous yet charming illusionist. Associating with him may imperil Hiresha’s city, yet refusing his help will allow the sorcerer to leech godlike power from the mass births.
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Contrary to some complaints about the narrator I'd read, I found the calm, even tones that were used to be appropriate to the story and soothing and enjoyable to listen to. The story itself was captivating and I found myself eager to know what happened next. The occasional addition of bits of humor from side characters made this a really fun and enjoyable experience for me.

By: zaethrose
Interesting story but the voice, while relevant to the sorcoress's demeanor, made it hard to continue reading. Certainly a great story while unwinding after a hard day and looking for an soothing story to listen to but the dull, unenergized voice of the reader, makes it something not to read ...

By: AndyW
Whithout a doubt among the best books podiobooks has to offer(and i´ve listened to alot of them). I greatly enjoyed it. Original story and good voice acting. Admittedly the lethargic voice of the heroine (as fitting as it was) needs a moment to get used to but in hindsight i ...

By: Seraphias
I enjoyed both the book and also the narrator. I think she was a very good voice actor and the lethargic sound of the voice was very realistic and made me truly connect with the main character. I was quite worried that the book would end up too grisly for ...

By: CupKate
So good! I really enjoyed Meire's reading and her ability to make you forget she isn't the voice in your head. I really loved the main character and the magic system, it's something I haven't seen before! Unfortunately the world-building is a little slap-dash and rough, I felt like all ...

By: AndyW
DON´T let the Rating fool you. I have no idea why it is so low(in the moment 66%). It certainly deserves around 80%. On goodreads the book its rated 3.9 out of 5. Normally the books on podiobooks tend to get a fair rating. Its weired considering that the reviews ...

By: Dervish
Great book. Well written and very well narrated. Apparently some people have problems understanding that the narrator was in character. The "lethargic" voice was very much in place, considering the main character Hiresha. One cannot expect cheerful american Disney character narration for this story. The narrator transmitted the atmosphere of ...

By: Myztikal
Brood of Bones is eloquently written and delivered. It actually took several attempts and start-overs before I was immersed into the high fantasy swirl of healing gems and mysterious pregnancies. The MC was downright real. She had flaws, a temperament, and a conscious. While there were times I wanted to ...