Shall I Pray or Watch TV?
Vic Zarley
Read by Vic Zarley

Shall I Pray or Watch TV? looks at the history of TV and its effect on our culture all from a Christian worldview perspective. My hope is that this book will create interest, not so much for the purpose of changing television, but more in changing our hearts. When our hearts are changed, the outer world begins to reflect that change in the choices we all make, regarding what we choose to watch on TV (or whatever else we choose to do). Our lives can become true and living examples of the teachings of Christ or they can become mere reflections of the world and its carnal ways. For those of us sincerely into God's truth and Jesus' Way, we would never want our minds and hearts to be dwelling on untruths, so often portrayed on TV. We would simply not be tempted, IF our hearts were truly changed by Christ, first. That truth is the foundation of this book. We must get right and honest with God first. We must take the beam out of our own eyes first...Truthfully, if we didn't clamor for more, more, more of the anti-manna found on the tube, we would not be served the indelicacies that TV offers.
Produced and narrated by Vic Zarley.
Music in this audio book from Mevio's Music Alley. The theme song is by Greg Kitchel and is entitled "Closer to God, Farther from TV."
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Shall I Pray 01 | Read by Vic Zarley | |
Shall I Pray 02 | Read by Vic Zarley | |
Shall I Pray 03 | Read by Vic Zarley | |
Shall I Pray 04 | Read by Vic Zarley | |
Shall I Pray 05 | Read by Vic Zarley | |
Shall I Pray 06 | Read by Vic Zarley | |
Shall I Pray 07 | Read by Vic Zarley | |
Shall I Pray 08 | Read by Vic Zarley | |
Shall I Pray 09 | Read by Vic Zarley | |
Shall I Pray 10 | Read by Vic Zarley | |
Shall I Pray 11 | Read by Vic Zarley | |
Shall I Pray 12 | Read by Vic Zarley | |
Shall I Pray 13 | Read by Vic Zarley |

By: Vic Zarley
I want to acknowledge a wonderful array of unknown musical artists that have allowed me to grace this audio book with their work. Greg Kitchel's song "Closer to God, Farther from TV" is the theme song of this book. The first seven episodes have surprisingly good songs about TV which ...