The Calvary Road

Read by Roy Hession

(4.8 stars; 20 reviews)

A Christian Holiness Collection presentation.

This public domain book by Roy Hession made a great impact on my life because it gets to the meat of the Christian belief system. If the behavior as described in this book, is not the ideal of every Christian, the religion will be weak and Christians will be absolutely ineffective as witnesses. This is exactly the situation we have in the world today--ineffective Christians and a wishy-washy Church.

Produced and narrated by Vic Zarley. Special thanks to, Northwest Nazarene University, and the Wesley Center online for their invaluable assistance in the production of these audiobooks.

The portions of traditional hymns found in each episode are performed by Vic and Eva Zarley. The complete versions of each of these songs is available for free at

The Calvary Road by Roy Hession is public domain in the US.

This book comes from Visit Scribl to support the author or learn how to self-publish your own audiobook.



CalvaryRoad 01 Read by Roy Hession
CalvaryRoad 02 Read by Roy Hession
CalvaryRoad 03 Read by Roy Hession
CalvaryRoad 04 Read by Roy Hession
CalvaryRoad 05 Read by Roy Hession
CalvaryRoad 06 Read by Roy Hession


(5 stars)

This is an amazing book. It gets to the heart of the Gospel ( Good News) and exposes the striving bondage of unbelivers and of the carnal Christian life ( walking in the flesh) . This is contrasted to the restful freedom of Walking in the power of the Holy Spirit ( thru the life of Chris in us.) Each chapter is full of truths explained in simple words and examples to help bring light and awareness to the blindness of our selfish nature. It is presented in a loving non judgmental way...expressing with the wisdom and humility that it is teaching and proving that this is not just head knowledge, but truly Holy Spirit inspired.

(0 stars)

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by, Zoomer/Dyerafterdark and Jeanette Marsh, Jeanette Marsh. Jeanette Marsh said: RT @podiobooks: On the Podiobooker - New and complete: The Calvary Road by Roy and Revel Hession [...]