Nobody Knows How I Suffer

Read by Tim Hall

What do a barstool revolutionary, gangsta poet, self-promoting author, online dating scammer, and sleazy record producer all have in common?

a) They have each appeared on "Dancing With The Stars"

b) They all fathered the baby of Anna Nicole Smith

c) They are some of the unforgettable characters that populate the hilarious stories in NOBODY KNOWS HOW I SUFFER, the first presentation by indie journalist and author Tim Hall

d) All the above

If you picked d), you're right! (except for the Anna Nicole Smith and "Dancing With The Starts" part, that is).

Please join us as we take a journey into the darkest heart of alternative culture, dating, and failed romance by a notorious Gen-X writer. An 8-episode exclusive premiere!

This book comes from Visit Scribl to support the author or learn how to self-publish your own audiobook.



The Revolutionary Read by Tim Hall
Keeping It Real With Kid Beluga Read by Tim Hall
Michael Estrada, World's Greatest Internet Author Read by Tim Hall
Half Empty, Chapter 2 Read by Tim Hall
Webels Read by Tim Hall
Nightmares Read by Tim Hall
Plus-Size Read by Tim Hall
Poopstain Magazine Read by Tim Hall


(0 stars)

When I saw "Nobody knows How I Suffer" in the Blog listing here, I thought to myself that this entry might be about the disruption. To my surprise its the title of a book. Proof that good Titles are still a must to grab readers/listeners attention. (for whatever reason). I'll ...

(0 stars)

These stories are terrible. They're all about actual persons. Tim Hall's only genre is revenge-a-clef. "Mishkin" is a libelous attack on Karl Wenclas of the Underground Literary Alliance. You might love that group or not, but Tim's attack is cowardly and deceitful, not to mention thoroughly self-serving. Plus, he doesn't ...

(0 stars)

Thanks, karel, I appreciate it. As for "charles le froid," that's actually my emotionally disturbed older brother, Jonathan B. Hall, who has been cyberstalking and bullying me for nearly 8 years and who is suffering from severe paranoid delusions that I'm persecuting him--even though I've had zero contact with him ...

(0 stars)

Correction: got my stories mixed the story Charles is raving about the narrator is a slacker journalist who doesn't want to join a revolutionary cause because he might miss his favorite Thai food and not be able to give a talk at a literary function. In other words, my ...

(0 stars)

I don't know any more how many podiobooks, podcasts ore online shows I have consumed over the two three last years, but It's easy to see I am an total addict. I draw and design for a living, so it is the perfect thing for me to have in the ...

(0 stars)

Thanks for the comments, glad you're enjoying the stories. I'll be uploading the remaining episodes soon, but I've also been slowed down by the site delays, hoping they would be resolved soon and wondering if anybody was even listening. I appreciate you both letting me know at least somebody is!

(0 stars)

re: Charles le Froid I've listened to the stories and I found the quite entertaining. I (probably like most of those who listened to them) don't know or give a rats ass about Karl Wenclas. Anyway Tim, keep it up.

(0 stars)

Thanks for the kind comment, pere--sorry it took so long for me to get back here and find it. Very best wishes.