The Vicar's Daughter

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

(4.4 stars; 45 reviews)

This is the third book of the 'Marshmallow' trilogy. It is a fictional autobiography written by Ethelwyn Percivale, or 'Wynnie'. Her father is a clergyman, Mr. Walton, whose history has already been told in "A Quiet Neighborhood", the first of the three books. Wynnie has a happy childhood and falls in love with a struggling artist. It is about Wynnie and her family, and her little circle of old and new friends. We learn much about the poor of society of that time. This book is set in the real, every-day world, and our narrator is serious when she calls her life ''quiet and ordinary''. Though there are some exciting incidents, visits made, and long conversations about God. This book is a delightful read. - Summary by fiddlesticks

The trilogy:
Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood
The Seaboard Parish
The Vicar's Daughter (14 hr 9 min)


Introductory 18:45 Read by Jules Hawryluk
I Try 22:51 Read by Jules Hawryluk
My Wedding 20:19 Read by Lynne T
Judy's Visit 10:57 Read by Sarah B
Good Society 10:14 Read by Sarah B
A Refuge From the Heat 14:41 Read by Jules Hawryluk
Connie 10:24 Read by Chris Hymans
Connie's Baby 17:55 Read by Jules Hawryluk
The Foundling Re-found 15:56 Read by Jules Hawryluk
Wagtail Comes to Honor 13:03 Read by Jules Hawryluk
A Stupid Chapter 13:49 Read by Jules Hawryluk
An Introduction 11:04 Read by SMacDonald
My First Dinner Party.-A Negatived Proposal (part 1) 16:03 Read by Roohi
My First Dinner Party.-A Negatived Proposal (part 2) 15:22 Read by Roohi
A Picture 13:30 Read by Jules Hawryluk
Rumors 20:02 Read by Lynne T
A Discovery 20:33 Read by Jules Hawryluk
Miss Clare 10:36 Read by Jules Hawryluk
Miss Clare's Home 13:42 Read by Jules Hawryluk
Her Story (part 1) 21:56 Read by Coven
Her Story (part 2) 27:15 Read by Roohi
A Remarkable Fact 13:59 Read by Khaghbboommm
Lady Bernard 12:07 Read by Jules Hawryluk
My Second Dinner Party 31:46 Read by Judy Guinan
The End of the Evening 15:04 Read by Jules Hawryluk
My First Terror (part 1) 14:01 Read by Judy Guinan
My First Terror (part 2) 19:35 Read by Judy Guinan
Its Sequel 28:25 Read by Jules Hawryluk
Troubles 22:22 Read by Jules Hawryluk
Miss Clare Amongst her Friends 16:51 Read by SMacDonald
Mr. Morley 30:19 Read by Jules Hawryluk
A Strange Text (part 1) 33:50 Read by Jules Hawryluk
A Strange Text (part 2) 28:08 Read by Jules Hawryluk
About Servants 14:52 Read by Jules Hawryluk
About Percival 11:05 Read by Kathleen Moore
My Second Terror 12:57 Read by Kathleen Moore
The Clouds After the Rain 19:54 Read by Kathleen Moore
The Sunshine 10:09 Read by Kathleen Moore
What Lady Bernard Thought of it 7:51 Read by Jules Hawryluk
Retrospective 8:27 Read by Kathleen Moore
Mrs. Cromwell Comes (part 1) 23:16 Read by Jules Hawryluk
Mrs. Cromwell Comes (part 2) 25:44 Read by Jules Hawryluk
Mrs. Cromwell Goes 31:32 Read by Jules Hawryluk
Ancestral Wisdom 18:39 Read by Jules Hawryluk
Child Nonsense 16:30 Read by Rachel
''Double, Double, Toil and Trouble'' 15:36 Read by Clayton
Rager and Marion 11:58 Read by Sarah B
A Little More About Roger, and About Mr. Blackstone 7:43 Read by Clayton
The Dea Ex 8:01 Read by Rachel


Section 20 replaced

(0 stars)

It came to our notice that section 20 "Her Story (part 1)" was incorrect - a second recording of section 19. This has been fixed as of today.

Enjoyable conclusion

(4 stars)

This book was an enjoyable conclusion to.the other two books in the trilogy. The periodic style of all three book was different than other books I have read by GGeorge MacDonald. This book had many spiritual truth about the poor, work, trust, parenting, marriage, etc. that I found insightful and thought provoking. Thank you to all the readers who make listening to Geaorge Macdonald's original works possible.

Sweet and uplifting but much too long to be worth it.

(2 stars)

This book is not nearly the equal of George Macdonald’s Annals of A Quiet Neighborhood. It is very long. Its few gems are strung out among many tedious chapters. Almost no one today would take the trouble to read this book. George MacDonald

(5 stars)

I always enjoy George Macdonald stories. The practical and moral advice in them is priceless.

very nice

(4.5 stars)

I enjoyed it thoroughly. thanks readers

(4 stars)

it's an interesting look into the past.