The Last Chronicle of Barset (version 2)

Read by Steve Gough

(4.8 stars; 41 reviews)

LibriVox reader Nicholas Clifford calls this Trollope's best novel in his introduction to the collaborative version of this fine novel - and he is right! A wonderful study of its central character, the proud, irascible, tormented, poverty-stricken clergyman, Josiah Crawley, who pays a heavy price for his human failings when he is brought to trial for the alleged theft of a cheque for twenty pounds. The trial is the source of much grief for his long-suffering family, not least his wife Mary and daughter Grace (the novel's romantic heroine), whilst the Reverend Crawley reminds us more and more of a mad King Lear on the heath. (Summary by Steve Gough) (31 hr 22 min)


I. How Did He Get It? 29:11 Read by Steve Gough
II. By Heavens He Had Better Not! 21:21 Read by Steve Gough
III. The Archdeacon's Threat. 13:16 Read by Steve Gough
lV. The Clergyman's House at Hogglestock 21:22 Read by Steve Gough
V. What The World Thought About It 15:15 Read by Steve Gough
VI. Grace Crawley 25:43 Read by Steve Gough
VII. Miss Prettyman's Private Room 26:55 Read by Steve Gough
VIII. Mr Crawley is Taken to Silverbridge 35:10 Read by Steve Gough
IX. Grace Crawley Goes to Allington 23:43 Read by Steve Gough
X. Dinner at Framley Court 14:29 Read by Steve Gough
XI. The Bishop Sends His Inhibition 20:52 Read by Steve Gough
XII. Mr Crawley Seeks for Sympathy 21:03 Read by Steve Gough
XIII. The Bishop's Angel 23:52 Read by Steve Gough
XIV. Major Grantly Consults a Friend 14:18 Read by Steve Gough
XV. Up in London 28:13 Read by Steve Gough
XVI. Up at Allington 29:28 Read by Steve Gough
XVII. Mr Crawley is Summoned to Barchester 22:25 Read by Steve Gough
XVIII. The Bishop of Barchester is Crushed 24:22 Read by Steve Gough
XIX. Where Did it Come From? 12:59 Read by Steve Gough
XX. What Mr Walker Thought About It 16:52 Read by Steve Gough
XXI. Mr Robarts on his Embassy 18:50 Read by Steve Gough
XXII. Major Grantly at Home 23:06 Read by Steve Gough
XXIII. Miss Lily Dale's Resolution 27:24 Read by Steve Gough
XXIV. Mrs Dobbs Broughton's Dinner Party 33:32 Read by Steve Gough
XXV. Miss Madalina Demolines 20:58 Read by Steve Gough
XXVI. The Picture 17:42 Read by Steve Gough
XXVII. A Hero at Home 19:23 Read by Steve Gough
XXVIII. Showing How Major Grantly Took a Walk 17:48 Read by Steve Gough
XIX. Miss Lily Dale's Logic 13:14 Read by Steve Gough
XXX. Showing What Major Grantly Did After his Walk 12:10 Read by Steve Gough
XXXI. Showing How Major Grantly Returned to Guestwick 17:14 Read by Steve Gough
XXXII. Mr Toogood 39:33 Read by Steve Gough
XXXIII. The Plumstead Foxes 17:16 Read by Steve Gough
XXXIV. Mrs Proudie Sends For Her Lawyer 19:51 Read by Steve Gough
XXXV. Lily Dale Writes Two Words in her Book 36:53 Read by Steve Gough
XXXVI. Grace Crawley Returns Home 14:13 Read by Steve Gough
XXXVII. Hook Court 20:03 Read by Steve Gough
XXXVIII. Jael 23:17 Read by Steve Gough
XXXIX. A New Flirtation 17:35 Read by Steve Gough
XL. Mr Toogood's Ideas About Society 17:44 Read by Steve Gough
XLI. Grace Crawley at Home 23:19 Read by Steve Gough
XLII. Mr Toogood Travels Professionally 33:06 Read by Steve Gough
XLIII. Mr Crosbie Goes into the City 24:23 Read by Steve Gough
XLIV. 'I suppose I must let you have it.' 11:17 Read by Steve Gough
XLV. Lily Dale Goes to London 23:56 Read by Steve Gough
XLVI. A Bayswater Romance 20:43 Read by Steve Gough
XLVII. Dr Tempest at the Palace 40:41 Read by Steve Gough
XLVIII. The Softness of Sir Raffle Buffle 16:57 Read by Steve Gough
XLIX. Near the Close 36:53 Read by Steve Gough
L. Lady Lufton's Proposition 23:02 Read by Steve Gough
LI. Mrs Dobbs Broughton Piles her Fagots 36:10 Read by Steve Gough
LII. Why Don't You have an It for Yourself? 22:38 Read by Steve Gough
LIII. Rotten Row 22:52 Read by Steve Gough
LIV. The Clerical Commission 20:48 Read by Steve Gough
LV. Framley Parsonage 13:07 Read by Steve Gough
LVI. The Archdeacon Goes to Framley 33:12 Read by Steve Gough
LVII. A Double Pledge 24:47 Read by Steve Gough
LVIII. The Cross-Grainedness of Men 28:16 Read by Steve Gough
LIX. A Lady Presents Her Compliments to Miss L.D. 29:36 Read by Steve Gough
LX. The End of Jael and Sisera 29:16 Read by Steve Gough
LXI. 'It's Dogged as Does it' 30:29 Read by Steve Gough
LXII. Mr Crawley's Letter to the Dean 29:56 Read by Steve Gough
LXIII. Two Visitors to Hogglestock 30:04 Read by Steve Gough
LXIV. Tragedy at Hook Court 17:43 Read by Steve Gough
LXV. Miss Van Siever Makes her Choice 17:27 Read by Steve Gough
LXVI. Requiescat in Pace 22:36 Read by Steve Gough
LXVII. In Memoriam 23:48 Read by Steve Gough
LXVIII. The Obstinacy of Mr Crawley 18:57 Read by Steve Gough
LXIX. Mr Crawley's Last Appearance at his own Pulpit 13:39 Read by Steve Gough
LXX. Mrs Arabin is Caught 23:36 Read by Steve Gough
LXXI. Mr Toogood at Silverbridge 19:52 Read by Steve Gough
LXXII. Mr Toogood at 'The Dragon of Wantly' 14:29 Read by Steve Gough
LXXIII. There is Comfort at Plumstead 17:07 Read by Steve Gough
LXXIV. The Crawleys are Informed 18:50 Read by Steve Gough
LXXV. Madalina's Heart is Bleeding 22:20 Read by Steve Gough
LXXVI. I Think He is Light of Heart 17:37 Read by Steve Gough
LXXVII. The Shattered Tree 18:01 Read by Steve Gough
LXXVIII. The Arabins Return to Barchester 23:36 Read by Steve Gough
LXXIX. Mr Crawley Speaks of his Coat 18:38 Read by Steve Gough
LXXX. Miss Demolines Desires to Become a Fingerpost 27:53 Read by Steve Gough
LXXXI. Barchester Cloisters 12:54 Read by Steve Gough
LXXXII. The Last Scene at Hogglestock 30:24 Read by Steve Gough
LXXXIII. Mr Crawley is Conquered 16:20 Read by Steve Gough
LXXXIV. Conclusion 12:37 Read by Steve Gough


Brilliant story brilliantly read

(5 stars)

I really can't fully describe the pleasure this recording gives. Trollope at his best and a first class reading. I must admit, though, that I've still not fully grasped what happened to that cheque so I'm going to have to listen to it all over again. No problem as I'm already missing Steve Gough's voice and Trollope's characters and situations.

wonderful story wonderfully read

(5 stars)

I wholeheartedly agree with Margaret 87. Steve Gough's natural speaking voice, clarity and cadence set this version ahead of other readings of this novel. I hope more than three readings from Steve appear in future.

Wonderful wrap up

(5 stars)

I listened to all the chronicles of Barset and enjoyed them thoroughly. I particularly liked the different interpretations of the readers. They brought another dimension to the stories. I did prefer one reader over another, but enjoyed them all. I would rank Steve Gough in my top tier and would seek out his readings.

(5 stars)

Steve Gough is the best reader I’ve listened to on LV. He knows how to dramatize Trollope’s dialogue so that the characters’ emotions and author’s intent are clearly conveyed. Absolutely loved binging on this story of Victorian life and loves. Thanks Steve!

choose this version!

(5 stars)

Excellent reader! I started with version 1 which has a variety to readers and though most were great, one woman was extremely grating. This version has just one reader who is outstanding.

(3.5 stars)

The reading was perfection. The story, well, I never expect ~900 pages to be ultimately well-written or necessary. There were a few story lines I didn't care for too much. But it's okay.

(5 stars)

Of Trollope's many books that I have read, "The Last Chronicle of Barset" is perhaps the best. Trollope provides keen psychological and social analysis and a good mystery.

excellent reader

(5 stars)

Very grateful to Steve Gough for this beautiful and affectionate reading.