Winston Churchill Speeches and Radio Broadcasts
Winston Churchill

Old Time Radio Programs, News , Winston Churchill News and Speeches. Alot of these are here in the WW2 collections, I posted this collection to make The Winston Churchill Speeches in one place.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.

One of the world's greatest statesmen. Wonderful to hear these brilliant speeches.
All in one place.

Out of Stone
The Churchill Estate (as well as British Institutions like BBC, British Library and British Pathe that don't allow downloads) are extremely possessive of archive material. There is a substantial amount of British pre-1950 spoken word recordings from the arts, to politicians to royalty - nearly all were put onto 78s for public consumption, so it's OUR heritage. Yet there's no single accessible source for them - they're spread all over the place, so it's good that these Churchill recordings, at least, are freely available.
the greatest PM of all time. Stop trying to re-write history

Don’t care for all this pc bs. Stop trying to demonise this man. Using modern comparisons and half baked out of context facts. Without him most the people against him who dare call themselves liberals/ socialists would have probably not been born. Listen to his speeches as a start you might actually learn something, he did what he did so you have the choice to.

These speeches show what a brilliant and prescient man the world had in Winston Churchill. It is truly tragic that, like so many before and after, people refused to believe his words until too late. Fortunately, there was a happy ending to the story, but not before millions died. Were his words heeded, one must wonder what the outcome might have been.

There is an awful lot of nonsense and unverified claims and suggestions among the reviews. Please would people actually think before posting nonsense, such as "....he wore panties." This is actually an immensely useful archive collection. I have listened with great care over the time it has been available and find nothing which is questionable regarding the content.
Must listen

The Communistic national Socialist Gay Homophobe
Many younger folks have been taught that Churchill was a just a cisgenderer priveledged white nationalist who advocated genocide in India and must therefore be despised. However they still owe it to themselves to actually listen to him in his own words. That way they can better criticise him and Western civilization.

A LibriVox Listener
I love coming back to these speeches AS they are AUDIO TREASURE of a long forgotten and misrepresented Alpha Male was Sir Winston Churchill, insulted and disrespected by a faulty broken idea of Liberal pansys who could hold his jock strap. God bless and rest well YOU HERO
Never more important

Louis Fazzi
Hearing Mr. Churchill as he lead the British people during the greatest war ever fought shows how great leaders are the product of their times. We are so fortunate to have had such great leaders at that time.