Perry Mason

(3.6 stars; 34 reviews)

Perry Mason was a 15-minute show (including commercials, etc.) that aired five times a week. It ran from October 1943 to December 1955. Several actors played Mason over the years, including Bartlett Robinson, Santos Ortega, Donald Biggs, and John Larkin. Perry's secretary, Della Street, was played by Gertrude Warner (later, Jan Miner and Joan Alexander)

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.



2215 Chambermaid Testifies 9:59
2216_The_Squeaking_Witness_Chair 9:55
2217 Dorrie's 6th Birthday 10:02
2218_A_Subpoena_for_Dory 9:55
2219_Little_Dory_Testifies 10:23
2220_Dorys_Testimony 10:33
2221_Prosecutor_Exploits_Dory 10:27
2222_Dorys_Little_Bible 10:07
2223 Crying Dorrie Runs 9:05
2224_Judge_Lets_Mac_Visit_Dory 10:22
2225_Mac_Heals_Dorys_Hurt 10:03
2226_Perrys_Strategy_Is_Working 10:32
2227 Perry Demands Kitty's Testimony 9:35
2228_Anna_is_Alerted_by_Kitty 10:13
2229_Kitty_Testifies 9:47
2230_The_Missing_Witnesses 9:42
2231_A_False_Alibi_for_Kitty 10:06
2232_Perry_Discredits_the_Witness 9:43
2233_Perry_Visits_Scared_Witness. 10:02
2234_The_Gunshot_Test 9:28
2235_The_New_Development 10:34
2236_Maes_Phony_Pregnancy 9:53
2237_Kittie_Urges_Hospital_Tests_on_Mae 10:00
2238_Perrys_Decoy_-_Bus_Ticket_to_Denver 9:31
2239_Mae_Escapes_in_Fake_City_Ambulance 10:00
2240_Tragg_Knows_Perry_Planned_Escape 10:32
2241_Maes_Suicide_Note_Discovered 10:05
2242_Perry_Mason_is_Wanted 9:31
2243_Perry_Fools_Them 10:16
2244_Perrys_Office_Building_is_Sealed 10:24
2245_No_Mercy_for_Mae_Grant 10:15
2246_Helen_and_the_Important_Envelope 10:05
2247_Della_and_Helen_Meet_in_Coffee_Shop 10:11
2248_Disguised_as_Waitress_Della_Evades_Cops 10:26
2249_Perry_and_Della_Head_for_Atlanta 10:25
2250_Anna_Offers_Reward_for_Perrys_Capture 10:38
2251_Norris_Knows_Perry_is_Wanted 10:29
2252_Perrys_Trick_Gun_-_Norris_Flees 10:48
2253_Perry_Sends_Della_to_Atlanta_on_Bus 10:12
2254_Perry_and_Della_Reunite_in_Atlanta 10:08
2727_Suzanne_Barkley_Is_Wallaces_Niece 9:29
2768 At the Airport 10:07
2769 Pat Driving 9:05
2770 At Delahs Apt 9:38
2771 Gordy Meets Gus at Lounge 9:41
2772 Perry Adds $75000 and Note to Plan 9:48
2273 Mason Tells Mrs Barkley to Proceed with Plan 9:07
2774 The_Staged_Accident_Happens_as_Planned 9:37
2775 At Jakes Office 9:32
2776 Della Talks to Asst DA 9:26
2777 August Reads the Newspaper 9:44
2778 DA at Perry's Office 9:30
2779 Arch Kerners Office Recording 9:26
2787 Kerner's Office 9:42
2792 Perry_Knows_Suzanne_Afraid_for_Her_Mother 9:49
2797 Susan Calls Gus 9:20
2798 Susan's Lost Memory 9:30
2799 Suzanne_Reminded_of_Others_Who_Worked_for_Syndicate 9:39
2800 DA_Wants_to_Question_Suzanne 9:49
2801 Talk Of Framing Kate 9:57
2802 Wallace_Sends_Letter 10:04
2803 Wallace_Wants_to_End_Syndicate_Investigation 9:53
2821 Della Talks With Kate 10:05
2822 Apt Gloats To Halverson 9:57
2823 Halverson Talks To Faustina 9:56
2824 Halverson And Tony Talk 10:15
2825 Kate And Della With Tony 9:59
2827 Gus Works On Tony 9:24
2828 Perry At The Funeral 9:46
2829 Tony Goes To The D.A. 9:33
2830 Kate, Della, Tony With Apt 10:03
2831 Halverson At Beakman Home 10:03
2832 Perry With Mr. Apt 10:02
2852 Drake Detective Agency 9:22
2858 D.A.'s Office; Drake At Nightclub 9:38


(1 stars)

Stories incomplete and this isn’t mentioned in the summary! Seemed to start mid-story. Listened for hours only to suddenly find it jumps into the middle of a different story! I’m not sure what the point is of publishing only partial stories. It’s like posting the middle of a novel without the ending!! Why?

More episodes

(0 stars)

I believe there are at least 3,000 episodes of this radio show. There are 75 here. How disappointing to get really sucked into the story of little Dory and her two mothers, only to find after hours of listening that the end of the story is missing. :(


(4 stars)

I love the Perry Mason series. but there were no more after #75 so we don't know what happened after investing hours covering the case.. I don't know what to say. except HELP were is #76,#77 to the end of it. joedupont5929 at gmail dot com

missing ending episodes..

(2 stars)

The end episodes are missing from here. Got to the end, and don't know what happened! Are the final episodes anywhere to be found?


(2 stars)

At least two different maybe even three stories and no ending for any of them. Total waste of many hours of listening time.

More Episodes

(4 stars)

You can find over 250 episodes here:

mis-placed episodes

(0 stars)

Episodes 73 and 74 have their titles switched.

dy huh u huh Tug TUG e

(2.5 stars)