War and Peace Vol. 2 (Dole Translation)

Read by MaryAnn

(4.8 stars; 125 reviews)

I am inclined to rank Count Tolstoy not among the realists or naturalists, but rather as an impressionist. He is often careless about accuracy. Numberless incongruities can be pointed out. He is as willing to adopt an anachronism as a medieval painter. I would defy an historian to reconstruct the battle of Austerlitz from Count Tolstoy's description. And yet what a picture of a battle was ever more vivid! It is like a painting where the general impression is true, but a close analysis discovers nothing but contradictory lines!

What a succession -- a kaleidoscopic succession of life-views, he gives in "War and Peace!" One follows the other without confusion, naturally, with entrancing interest. "The court and camp, town and country, nobles and peasants, -- all are sketched in with the same broad and sure outline. We pass at a leap from a soiree to a battle-field, from a mud hovel to a palace, from an idyl to a saturnalia. As we summon our recollections of the prodigal outpouring of a careless genius, a troop of characters as lifelike as any in Scott or in Shakespeare, defile before our mental eye. Tolstoy finds endless opportunities of inculcating his favorite themes: -- the mastery of circumstance over will and desire, the weakness of man in the front of things, and the necessity for resignation." (from the Preface by N.H. Dole)

Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3 (to be recorded)
Volume 4 (to be recorded) (16 hr 3 min)


Vol 2 Part 1 Ch 1 9:43 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 1 Ch 2 15:08 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 1 Ch 3 12:52 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 1 Ch 4 12:09 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 1 Ch 5 6:18 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 1 Ch 6 12:29 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 1 Ch 7 8:45 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 1 Ch 8 10:26 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 1 Ch 9 6:36 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 1 Ch 10 9:10 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 1 Ch 11 6:57 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 1 Ch 12 8:11 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 1 Ch 13 8:11 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 1 Ch 14 7:09 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 1 Ch 15 9:16 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 1 Ch 16 9:01 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 1 8:35 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 2 15:10 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 3 16:51 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 4 8:59 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 5 4:25 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 6 10:56 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 7 4:24 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 8 10:26 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 9 13:09 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 10 11:55 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 11 20:39 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 12 9:29 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 13 9:30 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 14 5:27 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 15 10:26 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 16 12:18 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 17 8:45 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 18 6:40 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 19 9:34 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 20 8:56 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 21 11:24 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 1 8:16 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 2 7:27 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 3 6:21 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 4 8:06 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 5 13:17 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 6 7:58 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 7 11:28 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 8 8:03 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 9 6:17 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 10 12:02 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 11 8:54 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 12 6:09 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 13 9:12 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 14 8:35 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 15 7:07 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 16 9:10 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 17 5:42 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 18 11:44 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 19 5:05 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 20 7:54 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 21 7:15 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 22 9:42 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 23 15:09 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 24 7:26 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 25 9:24 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 3 Ch 26 8:33 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 4 Ch 1 11:27 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 4 Ch 2 5:09 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 4 Ch 3 7:15 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 4 Ch 4 14:33 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 4 Ch 5 12:08 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 4 Ch 6 17:26 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 4 Ch 7 22:39 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 4 Ch 8 8:11 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 4 Ch 9 10:04 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 4 Ch 10 21:03 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 4 Ch 11 10:26 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 4 Ch 12 8:01 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 4 Ch 13 7:48 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 1 13:51 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 2 9:36 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 3 13:33 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 4 6:42 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 5 11:31 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 6 8:22 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 7 9:39 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 8 10:04 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 9 13:04 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 10 8:23 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 11 6:12 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 12 8:06 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 13 7:56 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 14 7:45 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 15 13:18 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 16 13:14 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 17 5:58 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 18 8:21 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 19 9:30 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 20 7:40 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 21 9:49 Read by MaryAnn
Vol 2 Part 5 Ch 22 8:01 Read by MaryAnn


as always well read by Mary Ann Spiegal

(4 stars)

notes Prince Andre's social reforms for his peasants on his estates are thwarted by the overseers' "Potemkin Village" like chicanery. Vol 2 Part 2 Ch 10, audio clip 26 Pierre picks his nose. beginning of audio clip 4. Pierre in a duel. clip 5 Pierre goes through Free Mason [cult] ceremony, clip 20 Pierre, in the luxury of material well being, incorrectly assumes that peasants would be worse off if freed from hard labor. so i guess Pierre's free mason love your fellow man means if a peasant is starving you don't help them but even better you say you love them, "have a nice day" and move on....yeah right. clip 27 Pierre and Andre continue their intellectual masturbation about the metaphysical, this that and the other thing clip 28 clip 32, Denasov hijacks a food supply caravan. gets into heated arguments in his speech impediment voice. Mary Ann does a great job speaking with a "wisp". middle of volume 2: Andre is having a mid life crisis and woos and proposes marriage to a teenager Natasha. Natasha's father is a shallow social climber(but everyone else in this story seem to be born rich. the exception is the intelligent reformer son of a priest Sperensky(sp?) who holds much power in Russia but a decent man, social liberal reformer and takes Andre into his confidence)

good reading and clear, fresh sounding translation

(4 stars)

A few pronunciation errors lend charm to this well paced, consistent and ungimmicky reading. War and Peace is perhaps best experienced as an audiobook - bringing us back to the days of fireside reading as a family pastime. W&P is an accessible epic with a startlingly real and relatable cast of characters. Dive in.


(5 stars)

The best anti war literature I've read. Very well read! How long were vol. I and vol. II for one volunteer to read so well! Thank you so much for such a splendid job and all the time it took. I went on to read the rest on gutenberg.org. Highly recommend!

Long Novela

(2 stars)

I get the epic part of the book. I don't see any deep meaning nor insight. This could be made into a novela without any alterations.


(3 stars)

The reading is excellent, however there are some pronunciation errors, especially regarding the Russian names that made it difficult for me to focus.

(5 stars)

beautifully read by Maryanne Spiegel. I hope she can find the time to read for us volumes 3 and 4.

Came to LibriVox just for this.

(5 stars)

Can't wait for volumes 3 and 4 to be completed.

great job!

(5 stars)

delightful to listen to this volume, same as the first one.