
(4 stars; 1 reviews)

Historical series from 1954 - 55...

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.



Inheritance-540411 01DortheaLyndeDix 29:48
Inheritance-540418 02TheMountainMen 29:55
Inheritance-540425 03GiantsofVirginia 29:43
Inheritance-540502 04InWhat-So-EverHouseIEnter 29:53
Inheritance-540516 06FlightToNowhere 29:54
Inheritance-540523 07TheNutMeggerandtheTurtle 29:48
Inheritance-540530 08LewisandClarkExpedition 29:59
Inheritance-540606 09ButFortheCourageofaWoman 29:45
Inheritance-540613 10TheTexasRangers 30:00
Inheritance-540620 11WhipplesWar 29:46
Inheritance-540627 12TheStoryofaSoldier 29:55
Inheritance-540704 13ProclaimLiberty 29:56
Inheritance-540711 14AmericasGreatestBargain 29:35
Inheritance-540718 15VictoryonLakeErie 29:54
Inheritance-540725 16ThatAllMayKnow 29:42
Inheritance-540801 17RailstothePacific 29:34
Inheritance-540808 18TheGingerbreadMan 29:36
Inheritance-540815 19TheFlagThatTalks 29:26
Inheritance-540822 20TheMailHadWings 29:37
Inheritance-540828 21TheCharterOak 29:35
Inheritance-540904 22OneMileofRock 29:04
Inheritance-540911 23SaluteToMareIsland 29:08
Inheritance-540926 25YoungDaveyCrocket 29:14
Inheritance-541003 26Sequoyah 29:57
Inheritance-541010 27TheHandThatRockedtheCradle 29:48
Inheritance-541017 28MotherBickerdyke 29:38
Inheritance-541024 29GorgasandthePanamaCanal 29:55
Inheritance-541031 30TheWhalehunters 29:52
Inheritance-541107 31HoratioAlger 29:56
Inheritance-541114 32NancyHanks 29:48
Inheritance-541121 33WhatIsAmerica 30:01
Inheritance-541128 34HarvestoftheStonyFields 29:45
Inheritance-541205 35PaulRevere 29:50
Inheritance-541212 36ManWithoutaCountry 29:57
Inheritance-541219 37Cordwainers 29:53
Inheritance-541226 38TheVangard 29:48
Inheritance-550102 39TheLogoftheLouisiana 29:48
Inheritance-550109 40GeorgeWashingtonCarver 29:51
Inheritance-550116 41Bradford 29:50
Inheritance-550123 42JohnnyAppleseed 29:49
Inheritance-550130 43ThePeacemakers 29:55
Inheritance-550220 46GreenThumbIntheCity 29:52
Inheritance-550306 48AdventuresinLaughter 29:48
Inheritance-550313 49HeDiedFree 29:57
Inheritance-550320 50TheBurningofWashington 29:42
Inheritance-550327 51TheirRightsandNothingElse 29:39
Inheritance-550417 54ThanksforAmerica 29:43
Inheritance-550424 55TwoOnTopoftheWorld 30:00
Inheritance-550501 56ToSaveaCity 29:50


NBC Docs Are Interesting

(4 stars)

Am listening to the Dorothy Dix program presently. Heavy handed stuff. But then DD had to be zealot to get any changes. That's the way the world is when a crusader takes on a mission. Nowadays mental patients are mainstreamed into society. Many times they are on their own to take their prescribed medications. Some do and some don't. Regarding production, I like the intro to the series, which is better than this particular show itself. Sounds like Mel Brandt's voice. Lots of effects that remind me of movie documentaries. Very nice of Archive to preserve these shows! I'm switching over to Mountain Men next in the series.