Gunsmoke 2

Old Time Radio Programs. Gunsmoke Starring William Conrad as Matt Dillon. Western Theme. Page 2
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Get the heck into Dodge some more!

Superb radio show. Never had the Gunsmoke radio show in the UK,to my knowledge,only TV show. So this a real treatð Cheers to Librivox and OTR for making this available. Very highly recommended.
OTR As We Wish It Were

Alonzo Church
This includes many of the best episodes of what many call the best radio show of the OTR era. It really does not get better than this, as the episodes are suspenseful, have great character acting, and are unpredicatble. Also noteworthy is that there are very few rebroadcasts of old scripts, and maybe only one or two clinkers in the lot. But there is something even for the listener who wants some campiness in his OTR listening. The first 10 or so episodes here are sponsored by both Post Toasties ("Heap Good Corn Flakes") and Sugar Crinkles. These may be the worst ads in radio history. Can I rate this with six stars?
Hilarious ad-lib

June 26, 1954, 'Claustrophobia'--- Even though this rehearsal never went over the air, someone probably should have turned the mike off while Bill Conrad and the boys decided to have a little fun during the opening bit. Dodge the kiddies for this one.
re: Claustrophobia

Had you been paying attention you would have noticed that it was a "rehearsal" show. The mikes don't GET turned off...consequently they are an endless source of bloopers and fun for later generations. These did not go out over the air.
To whom it may concern

How refreshing it is to be able to step back into yesteryear and partake of such good, wholesome intertainment. Many thanks from a greatful public for making these wonderful programs available.
to whom it may concern

listning to these old time radio programs are real nice clean entertainment. Everyone should hear these shows. Thank you very much for putting them on here.

Love these old radio shows things were more simple back then and i have been listening to them for years

Dr. McGinty
This series is great. People were really creative and talented back then.