Gunsmoke 1

Old Time Radio Programs. Gunsmoke Starring William Conrad as Matt Dillon. Western Theme.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
Yes, you can download individual shows or the collection as a whole.

Yes, you can download the files individually. Simply right click on the blue hyperlink (that shows you the file size), and Save As. You can save it to your hard drive or to your MP3 player. If you want to download the complete collection contained here, you can do that by right clicking on the ZIP entry on the top left side of the page. (Note that this is not the complete collection of Gunsmoke episodes; this is only part of the collection; the complete collection, several hundred episodes, has been pulled for revision.) Regarding: "'s odd that the episodes often skip back to earlier moments for a few seconds before skipping back to where they are--sometimes important segments get missed." I've never experienced that problem. You might want to re-download and see if there wasn't a problem with your first download. Alternatively, check other Gunsmoke pages on Archive and download the shows from those pages. Yep, that was the west. Not everything turned out for the best, not all was good. And, the episodes reflect what it was really like, as much as possible, not necessarily what people wanted the west to be like. omestead family getting murdered. But I guess maybe "that was the west."
One of the best.

Im glad I found this. Gunsmoke was one of the best, right up there with Dragnet and X Minus One which I consider the top three radio programs of that era. I listened to a couple then I was hooked. The radio version was more realistic than the TV version, Conrad's Matt Dillon was kind of brutal which was the way the old west really was. As far as the skipping parts someone mentioned, I found that downloading the programs one at a time works better than doing the zip thing. I havent run into any skipping so far.
Good (but...)

It's a good show, and I'm sure grateful to whoever posted it! It would be nice if one could download a zip file with all of the episodes on the page. Also, it's odd that the episodes often skip back to earlier moments for a few seconds before skipping back to where they are--sometimes important segments get missed. Most of the episodes have fairly positive outcomes, but a few are tragic--an innocent man getting lynched or a homestead family getting murdered. But I guess maybe "that was the west."
Skip Back on some Episodes

The Yoyo Man
First, I would like to say, "Thanks for providing the Gunsmoke episodes.". However, I also noticed that on quite a few episodes the audio will skip back to earlier moments for a few seconds, then skip forward again. It sounds like some others have experienced this same issue. I'm playing the Gunsmoke MP3's on a 80GB iPod.
Grateful to have found this

My hat is off to the uploader(s) and to the Internet Archive for making this series available to everyone. Radio drama is an art form that has been forgotten in the US, though other countries still value it. Anyone dabbling around in this set might want to listen to The Cabin, or Meshuggah, for a start.
Get the hell in to Dodge!

Loved this. Well written and acted,and let's face it,the pictures are better on the radio. I'm not a fan of Westerns,but I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Dodge. Well done to OTRR and Librivox for making Handmade available- cheers!

Is it possible for me to download these individual episodes to listen to on an MP3 player, or is that only possible when the collection exists in a ZIP archive? Would looooooove to be able to pull a full ZIP file of all episodes!
Is the first ep the pilot?

Great stuff as you already know! The rehearsal called RAILROAD highly rec. Ditto the first two untitled...tests I guess? now back to Sheriff MARK Dillon and Gunsmoke. Love time travel in Librovox!