
Through The Bible - Old Testament - 1 to 35 (English) By Zac Poonen

70 one-hour expositions that bring out the distinctive message of each book of the Bible. Through The Bible will help you to understand scri…

Fundamental Biblical Truths - Zac Poonen

Fundamental Biblical Truths 01) God's Purpose for Man 02) God's Provision for Man 03) Satan's Tactics 04) The Fall of Man 05) Free Will and …

The Parables Of Jesus - Zac Poonen

The Parables Of Jesus 1) Entering God's Kingdom 2) Paying The Price 3) Loving God And Man 4) The Danger Of Legalism 5) Four Types Of Backsli…

The Holy Spirit - Zac Poonen

The Holy Spirit - Zac Poonen The Power Of The Holy Spirit 01) a) The Breath Of God 02) b) Rivers Of Living Water 03) c) The Fire Of God 04) …

Basic Christian Teachings - Zac Poonen

Basic Christian Teachings 72 messages of 15 min each starting from ground-zero. This series of audio messages by Zac Poonen is on foundation…

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (Romans)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (Romans)

Know Your Enemy - Zac Poonen

Know Your Enemy 01) The Origin Of Satan 02) The Deception Of Satan 03) Why God Has Not Destroyed Satan 04) The Methods Of Satan 05) The Defe…

The Missing Messages In Today's Christianity - Zac Poonen

The Missing Messages In Today's Christianity 01) Understanding God's Full Purpose 02) Repentance From Unchristlikeness 03) The Cross And Our…

Being Sanctified - Zac Poonen

Being Sanctified - Zac Poonen 01) a) Sanctification - A Pure Spirit 02) b) Sanctification - A Renewed Soul 03) c) Sanctification - A Discipl…

The Miracles Of Jesus - Zac Poonen

The Miracles Of Jesus - Zac Poonen God Can Solve Every Problem 01) Water Turned Into Wine 02) Royal Official's Son Healed 03) Lame Man Heale…

God and Man - Zac Poonen

God and Man - Zac Poonen 01) a) The Book Of Job - Part 1 02) b) The Book Of Job - Part 2 03) c) The Book Of Job - Part 3 04) Entering God's …

Finishing Our Course - Staying Within Our Boundaries - Zac Poonen

Finishing Our Course - Staying Within Our Boundaries 01) Staying Within Our Boundaries 02) Filling Up What Is Lacking 03) The Ministry Of Th…

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (Revelation)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (Revelation)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (Matthew)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (Matthew)

Come Up Higher - Zac Poonen

Come Up Higher 01) Seeing Things From God's Viewpoint 02) Choosing The Heavenly Over The Earthly 03) Hearing And Seeing The Lord 04) The Spi…

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The Old Testament (Genesis)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The Old Testament (Genesis)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (Acts Of The Apo…

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (Acts Of The Apostles)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (Gospel of John)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (Gospel of John)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (Mark)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (Mark)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (James)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (James)

Through The Bible - New Testament - 36 to 70 (English) By Zac Poonen

70 one-hour expositions that bring out the distinctive message of each book of the Bible. Through The Bible will help you to understand scri…

The Law Of The Holy Spirit - Zac Poonen

The Law Of The Holy Spirit 01) The Holy Spirit Within Us 02) The Spirit And The Aroma Of Christ 03) The Aroma Of Christ's Humility 04) Examp…

All That Jesus Taught (A Series of 80 Studies) - Zac Poonen

A series of 80 studies (of about 25 minutes each) by Zac Poonen titled "ALL THAT JESUS TAUGHT"

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (1&2 Thessalonia…

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (1&2 Thessalonians)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (1 Corinthians)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (1 Corinthians)

No Fear In Love - Zac Poonen (Tamil)

No Fear In Love (அன்பிலே பயமில்லை) (with Tamil Translation) 01.The Law Produces Fear And Guilt (நியாயப்பிரமாணம் பயத்தையும் குற்ற உணர்வையும் …

Disciples Of Jesus - (Learners… & Followers…) - Zac Poonen

Disciples Of Jesus - (Learners… & Followers…)     As Jesus is, so are we 01) Jesus, The Author Of Our Faith 02) Fellowshi…

The Overcoming Life - Zac Poonen

The Overcoming Life 01) The Foundation For Overcoming 02) Overcoming Pride 03) Overcoming Selfishness 04) Overcoming Unbelief 05) Overcoming…

Prophets And Prophesying - Zac Poonen

Prophets And Prophesying 01) The Truth About Prophecy : a) Introduction To Prophecy - Zac Poonen 02) The Truth About Prophecy : b) Prophecy …

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The Old Testament (Daniel)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The Old Testament (Daniel)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The Old Testament (Proverbs)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The Old Testament (Proverbs)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (Luke)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (Luke)

The Higher Life - Zac Poonen

The Higher Life    The Christ Life For The Self Life 01) a) The Corruption Of The Self Life 02) b) The Pathway -a)Being Broken 03)…

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (Colossians)

Zac Poonen's Verse By Verse Bible Studies Of The New Testament (Colossians)

Wholehearted Young People - Zac Poonen

Wholehearted Young People 1) How God Selects And Prepares Us 2) Be Faithful In These Little Matters 3) Questions And Answers 4) Thirst For T…

Understanding The Truth Accurately - Zac Poonen

Understanding The Truth Accurately 1) God And Satan 2) The Root Of Sin 3) Legalism And The Holy Spirit 4) Dead Works And The New Covenant 5)…

Walking In The Light - Having No Part Dark - Zac Poonen

Walking In The Light - Having No Part Dark 01) Eternal Life Is To Know God 02) Only God Can Create Light 03) Giving No Place To The Ruler Of…

Testing And Deception - Zac Poonen

Testing and Deception 01) The Lord Tests The Righteous 02) How To Escape Deception 03) God Tests Before He Promotes 04) Eight Ways Of Deceiv…

The Marks Of True Faith - Zac Poonen

The Marks Of True Faith 01) A Good Conscience 02) The Obedience Of Faith 03) Total Dependence Upon God 04) Enduring Till The End

The Last Days and The Lord's Coming - Zac Poonen

The Last Days and The Lord's Coming 01) Two Churches - Babylon & Jerusalem 02) Great Deception 03) Like The Days Of Noah And Lot 04) Bei…

New Covenant Truths - Zac Poonen

New Covenant Truths 01) Superior To The Law 02) Repentance And A Heavenly Kingdom 03) The Root Of Sin 04) The Shadow And The Reality 05) The…

The Abundant Life - Zac Poonen

The Abundant Life 01) God Is A Good God 02) God Is A Holy God 03) God Controls All People And Events 04) Jesus Our Forerunner 05) Baptised I…

Living In An Upside-Down World - Zac Poonen

Living In An Upside-Down World 1) Where Is Your Mind Set? 2) Freed from Worldly Attitudes 3) Through Resurrection Power 4) By A Living Faith

God's Magnificent Promises - Zac Poonen

God's Magnificent Promises 01) God Honours Those Who Honour Him 02) God's Kingdom Is For The Needy 03) God's Grace Makes Us Overcomers 04) P…

Great Truths - Zac Poonen

Great Truths 01) Great Truth In Ephesians - Part-1 02) Great Truth In Ephesians - Part-2 03) Great Truth In Ephesians - Part-3    …

Zac Poonen Hindi Sermons

Zac Poonen Hindi Sermons: Building The Body Of Christ (9 Sermons) Having No Regrets In Eternity (5 Sermons) Overcoming Fear And Death (3 Ser…