Dr. Jeffrey F. Evans

The Supremacy of Wisdom and Its Numerous Benefits

A sermon on Proverbs 4.  Wisdom will greatly benefit you.  Why is wisdom referred to as a "she"?  The need to engag…

The Wisdom of God in Christ Jesus

The last in a a series of sermons on wisdom.  Considering that Christ Jesus has become for us wisdom from God, that is, our righteousne…

The Old Testament, the New Testament and the Unchangeable Nature of God

How can we reconcile the God of the Old Testament and Jesus? If God never changes, how can can He be the same God.

The Attributes of God (#3) - The Uncreated Creator: The Self-Existent, Eternal …

This sermon is about God's existence from eternity past until eternity future.  Though we cannot fully understand this we must affirm i…

Christmas Eve Devotional

A Christmas Eve Devotional on our feelings at Christmas time and the need to focus on Jesus.

Evidence that Demands a Verdict

An Easter sermon on the proofs of the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead.  Luke 24:1-12 Acrs 2:29-39 1 Corinthians 15:1-11

Living in the Grace of Jesus (#1)

A sermon both on John 1:14-18 and a kick-off sermon introducing the new Church Vision (mission) Statement: "Living in the Grace of Jesu…

Keys to Attaining Intimacy with God in the New Year and Beyond

A New Year's sermon on our continuing need to grow in our faith.  Though growth is a priority it is not a list of rules.  It is no…

Meeting Up with the Living Jesus After He Died

An Easter Sunday sermon on those who have seen Jesus after he rose again - those mentioned in the Bible, those throughout history and those …

Wisdom's Value and Regrettable Disappearance

A sermon on biblical wisdom based on 1 Kings 3:5-15, James 3:13-18 and Proverbs 2:1-22.

The Hardest Part of All - Readjusting to Life Back Home

A missions conference sermon by Jeff Evans on life after being a missionary.Understanding the missionary mindset and what 1st Kings tells us…

The Flowers and the Weeds

Just as weeds will grow with no work and a good garden needs much gardening so in the Christian life sin grows by doing nothing. Practicing …

The Lessons of the Mountain

In August of 2015 Pastor Jeff Evans took a hike to the top of Mt. Katahdin in Maine.  Along the way he learned some lessons that are ap…

The Attributes of God (# 21) Holy, Holy, Holy ..

A sermon on the holiness of God.  What holiness is, how we can know we've encountered the holiness of God and how one gains relief from…

The Attributes of God (#22) The Glory of God

A sermon on the glory of God.  What is God's glory?  How do we give God glory?  The words "kabod" and "doxa&qu…

John (#35) Jesus' Choice of a Person He Knew Was an Unbelieving Devil

A sermon on John 6:60-71.  Jesus said He chose Judas (and the other 11) and He knew Judas was a 'devil'.  How can one be decreed a…

What Jesus' Coming Tells Us About Ministry "In the Flesh"

A Christmas sermon on Philippians 2:1-11.  The humility Jesus showed in coming to earth teaches us how we should do ministry. Matthew 1…

Revelation (#4) Unavoidably at Odds with the Spirit of the World

A sermon on Revelation 1:9.  A short introduction on the history and geography related to John's imprisonment on Patmos.  The thre…

The Day Jesus Lost His Temper

A Palm Sunday sermon on Mark 11:1-21.  Why did Jesus curse the fig tree?  Why did He drive people out of the temple?  Could t…

Good Friday Sermon: Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

A Good Friday Sermon explaining 6 of the reasons why Jesus had to die on the cross.

The Dangers of Misunderstanding & Abusing the Grace of God

A sermon on Romans 6:1-7.  It is easy to misunderstand grace.  But we died to sin so we cannot use grace as an excuse to sin. 1 Pe…

Advent - Christmas & the Nature of God's Pursuing Love

An advent sermon on God's Pursuing Love. The biblically stated benefits of contemplating the love of God. The primary aspects of God's love …

Advent - God's Stated Desire that We Experience Joy

An advent sermon on the reality that joy is a fruit of the Spirit and appropriate for worship services.  Where did the anti-joy mindset…

Christ as Prophet, Priest and King

A sermon on Christ as Prophet, Priest and King reflecting on the Christmas Carol "We Three Kings". Matthew 2:1-12 Hebrews 1:1-9, 4…

The Many Forgotten Events of Easter Sunday

A sermon on Luke 24:13-45.  Without the resurrection there would be no gospel (good news).  But the clear message of Luke 24 is th…

What Must I Do To Be Saved?

Four things that can be seen from Acts 16:31 concerning saving faith.

Can One Lose Their Salvation

Some passages in the Bible seem to say that once someone is saved that person is always secure in their salvation. Other passages seem to sa…

John (#32) What Must We Do to Do the Works God Requires?

A sermon on John 6:25-33.  In this text Pastor Jeff explores the question is faith a work, is it a combined effort with God or is it a …

Idolatry as the Root of All Sin (#2): Idols, Our Identity, and Freedom through …

A sermon on Romans 1:21-25.  This is a continuing series on idols and reveals three of the key elements to the power idols have over us…

Jesus - God Come to Earth in Weakness

A Christmas Sermon on the surprising facts of the incarnation that we often take for granted since we have heard the story so many times. Lu…

The Absolute Necessity of Correctly Interpreting Painful Circumstances

A sermon on Matthew 2:12-18 and the slaughter of the innocents by Herod.  Instructions from the Bible on how to deal with catastrophe.&…

The Attributes of God (#10) The Sovereign & Unthwartable God

A sermon on the fact that God is not simply "in charge like a president" but that He is unthwartably in control as the infinitely …

Idolatry as the Root of All Sin (#3): Christmas, Covenants, and Deliverance fro…

A sermon on Romans 1:21-25.  Do we celebrate Christmas instead of Christ?  How does one get rid of idols so he can treasure Christ…

The Attributes of God (#9) - The God Who Knows Everything!

A sermon on God's omniscience.  God's knowledge of the past, present and future is unlimited.  It is the extent of God's knowledge…

The Invitation to Believe - Is He Your Lord and Your God

A sermon on John 20:19-31.  What can we learn from Thomas meeting Jesus one week after the resurrection?  "My Lord and my God…

John (#27) Life Through the Bible or Life Through the Jesus of the Bible

A sermon on John 5:31-40.  Jesus told the Pharisees not to believe His testimony but as the scriptures said they should corroborate tes…

We've a Message to Give to the Nations

This Missions Conference sermon was recorded and broadcast on Indian television.  It tells of the futility of our own efforts to remedy…

Swimming for Shore: Escaping the Cultural Current of Busyness

Take time to be still and know God.

Acts #13 Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Forgiveness, & the Gift of the Holy Spirit

A sermon on Acts 2:36-41. We must believe the gospel.  The role of the Holy Spirit in giving us spiritual birth.  The need for rep…

Congregational Concern Series (#14) The Power & Addictive Nature of Sin

A sermon on addiction - not only opioid addiction but all addiction to sin.  After 25 minutes Pastor Jeff stops preaching and Elvin Col…

Out of the Heart Flows Our Lists

A Thanksgiving Eve devotional based on Numbers 20:1-5 and 21:4-7.  Are we making lists of blessings or lists of complaints.  But w…

Joy and New Birth

A sermon on John 3:1-18 inspired by the Christmas Carol "Hark the Herald Angels Sing". 

The Blessing of Knowing Who We Are and What We're Called to Do (Part 2)

A sermon on one phrase of Romans 1:1.  What was Paul's calling?  What is our calling?  Are we ready to submit to it? 1 Corint…

John (#1) - The Lord Jesus, Our Christ, the Word of God from All Eternity Past

A sermon on John 1:1-5.  The Lord Jesus, Our Christ is the Word of God from all eternity past. Colossians 1:15-20 Colossians 2:8-12 Pro…

The Attributes of God (#19): God Is Good (All the Time)

A sermon on the goodness of God.  God's goodness is that which makes Him desirable to us.  God is good all the time.  Everyth…

John (#3): Rejecting or Receiving Jesus & the Birth that Gains Us Entrance into…

A sermon on John 1:10-13.  What is it that enables some to accept His claims while others do not.  The reason people will not beli…

New Years and the Blessing of Marking the Passing of Time

A sermon on the benefits of observing the change of years.  The reminder that time marches on.  The reminder that there is less an…

The World, Sin, and Its Hatred for the One Who Pointed Out Its Evil

A sermon on John 7:1-13.  There is a plot to kill Jesus.  Jesus emphasizes that his brothers time frame is not God's timing. …

Sola Fide

A sermon on Romans 1:17.  We are saved by faith alone and the righteous will then live by faith. Hebrews 10:35-11:6 Habakkuk 2:1-5

John (#25) The Glorious Limitations of Jesus

A sermon on John 5:16-23.  Why did Jesus choose to heal on the Sabbath.  God is never at odds with Himself.  Jesus confirms t…

Faith-Spawning Resurrection Encounters with Jesus

An Easter Sunday sermon.  John chapter 20.

The Attributes of God (#8): The God Who Is Everywhere Present

A sermon on God's omnipresence.  Looking at I Kings 8:27-30 and Jeremiah 23:23-24.  Understanding that God's omnipresence is a com…

The Attributes of God (#4) - God Is Love

A sermon on the attribute of God that He is love.  It is not just that He does loving things but He IS love.

Congregational Request Series #7: Dead in Sin - The Reason We Need the Life-Giv…

A sermon on how grace is the greatest expression of God's great love.  Grace is not permissiveness but blessing given when we actively …

The Key to Receiving and Maintaining Happiness

A sermon on Romans 4:9-17.  The gift of happiness and who it is for.  How we make acts that evidence salvation into acts that earn…

Congregational Concerns Series #13: The Grounds for Christian Joy and Assurance

A sermon regarding the common occurrence that believers have periods in their lives where they struggle with having joy in their relationshi…

John (#30) Setting His Disciples Up for a Lesson About Faith

A sermon on John 6:16-21.  This recording starts a little ways into the beginning cutting out half of the intro in which Pastor Jeff de…

The Death of Self-Righteousness & the Gift of Life, in the Death of Jesus

A sermon on Romans 3:21-24.  The remedy for a self-righteous spirit.  We are saved by Christ who is the object of our faith; we ar…

Acts #25 The Main Theme of the Gospel in Acts - Jesus' Resurrection & Ours

A sermon on Acts 4:1-4, 33. The promise of the resurrection and the change it makes in our lives even before we die. Luke 24:45-49 Acts 17:2…

The Gospel: Pride-Killing, Life-Stabilizing, Prejudice-Removing & Law Upholding!

A sermon on Romans 3:27-31.  Since we cannot do anything to earn our salvation there is nothing to boast in except in Christ.  The…

The Attributes of God (#17) God of Kindness and Grace

A sermon about the priceless treasure of God's grace and where it is rooted, how it is the ultimate expression of God's love, how it is defi…

Dreams, Angel Visitations & Prophecy Fulfilled in a World Where Joy & Deep Sorr…

A sermon on Matthew 2:13-23.  This is a text with four distinct themes.  1) God speaks through dreams.  2) Angel visitation i…

The Attributes of God (#18) The Sternness and Wrath of God

A sermon about God's wrath.  Our culture does not like to acknowledge this attribute but it is because God loves us that He expresses H…

The Five Reasons Jesus Said He Came

An advent sermon that looks at why Jesus came to earth from His own words.  1) He came to "fulfill the Law and the Prophets".…

John (#4) - The Incarnation & God's Take on Presents Versus Presence

A sermon on John 1:14.  The Incarnation had to happen.  The Incarnation is the key to all ministry and personal interactions. (At …

Idolatry and the Wrath of Being Given Over to Sexual Immorality and to Unnatura…

A second sermon on Romans 1:21-27.  In this sermon the following questions are addressed: 1) Are homosexual people born homosexual? 2) …

Acts #32 Obeying God in our Speaking, Doing & Believing

A sermon on Acts 5:17-33.  What can we take away from this passage in regard to obedience in believing, in speaking and in doing God's …

Unashamed of the Gospel

A sermon on Romans 1:16.  The Christians in Rome were often shamed for believing in Jesus.  Paul encouraged them to not be ashamed…

The Attributes of God (#6): The Paradox of God, Transcendent Yet Immanent

The immense greatness of God makes us feel small.  Some prefer to make God smaller to deal with this.  Some prefer to make God dis…

The Essence of Faith and the Struggle to Believe

A sermon on Romans 4:18-25.  What is faith?  How does one exercise it to the salvation of one's soul? Genesis 17:15-22 Galatians 3…

Acts #33 The Nature of Repentance and What Leads Us to It

A sermon on Acts 5:29-32 (particularly vs 31).  What is repentance?  God gives us repentance.  God's mercy leads us to repent…

The Good News of the Gospel - Who and NOT What

A sermon on Romans 1:2-6.  Jesus is the focus of all Scripture.  He is BOTH fully God and fully human.  We do all for the sak…

John (#8) Being Told About Jesus, Telling Others About Jesus

A sermon on John 1:35-42.  Jesus called disciples who went out and called other people to Jesus.  The three basic steps of evangel…

But What About Those Who Have Never Heard?

A sermon on Romans 2:12-16.  There are those who have never heard of Jesus, if He is the only way to salvation on what basis will these…

Pausing for a 'Nobody' on the Way to History's Most Momentous Even

A Palm Sunday Sermon on Mark 10:46-52.  Jesus is a Savior who is never too busy to minister to us in our need. Luke 18:31-24 Mark 11:1-…

The Attributes Of God (# 20) The Jealous Zeal Of God

A sermon on the jealousy of God.  Good jealousy versus bad jealousy.  What are the things that God treasures which provoke Him to …

The Attribute of God (#7): Almighty Over All, the Unthwartable God

This sermon clarifies what God's omnipotent ability to "do whatever He pleases" means.  It discusses God's omnipotence and ou…

Acts #17 Early Christian Communalism, Generosity and Sharing

A sermon on Acts 2:44-45.  One of the various forms of Koinonia: Economic Koinonia.  Old Testament already taught that God is the …

John (#26) Hearing, Believing, Living, Rising and Reigning ..or Not

A sermon on John 5:24-30.  The astounding miracle of our regeneration unto life.  Jesus as Son of God and Son of Man and His autho…

The Increasingly Unpopular Truth of God's Wrath against Sin

A sermon on Romans 1:18.  In a culture bent toward relativism the idea of God's wrath argues toward absolutes.  People tend to opp…

Acts #19 Three More Dynamic Characteristics of the Early Church - Great Joy, Si…

A sermon on Acts 2:46-47a.  Great Joy.  Sincerity of Heart. Praise.  Thanksgiving. Psalm 149:1-5, 150:1-6 John 16:17-24 Roman…

Is Salvation By Works?

A sermon on Romans 2:5-11.  Is our salvation by works?  This passage must be understood in context to answer this question correct…

Acts #18 Two More Dynamic Characteristics of the Early Church - Daily Worship a…

A sermon on Acts 2:46.  This sermon focuses on two more characteristics of the Early Church: daily worship and hospitality. Psalm 96:1-…

The Attributes of God (#5) The Inexhaustibly All-Sufficient One

God is without need.  We cannot meet His needs (for they do not exist).  Any idol that we make will require us to serve it.  …

The Antidote Who Takes Away the Soul's Craving for Idols

A sermon on Romans 1:25.  This is the final sermon in a series on idols based on Romans 1:21-25.  We look at three texts that show…

Acts #20 The Last Two Dynamic Characteristics of the Early Church - Enjoying Fa…

A sermon on Acts 2:45-47. The alluring effect of a Spirit-filled life.  Bridge-building characteristics.  Having favor with all th…

Preaching the Gospel to Unbelievers, Other Believers and Ourselves

A sermon on Romans 1:8-15.  Many believers find that they are taught to believe the gospel until they come to faith and that after they…

The Attributes of God (#11) The God of Joy

A sermon showing from scripture that God is in fact a joyful God, the biblical definition of 'happy' and how that effects us.

The Attributes of God (#24): Prayer as Praising the Qualities of God

A sermon on prayer as praise in response to God's attributes.  A brief look at the seven Hebrew words for praise (Yad, Towdah, Shabach,…

The Attributes of God (#23) Worship - As Putting All Things in Their Right Place

This sermon is one of 2 concluding sermons on a series about the attributes of God.  Understanding God's attributes should cause us to …

The Grave Dangers of Resisting or Rejecting the Christ

The Grave Dangers of Resisting or Rejecting the Christ, Dr. Jeff Evans, May 15, 2011, Christ Community Bible Church, Isaiah 5:1-7, Luke 20:1…

The Truth Suppressing Affects of Unrighteousness

A sermon on Romans 1:18-21.  Through his creation God has revealed His nature to all on humans.  We suppress that truth in our dis…

The Attributes of God (#12) God Unchanging and Unchangeable

A sermon on the immutability of God and how it blesses us.

Congregational Request Series #1: The Spiritual Battle for our Hearts & the Rol…

A sermon in response to questions from the congregation.  In the battle for our hearts and minds we need to evaluate what we treasure (…

The Attributes of God (#13) Our Communicating God

A sermon on the different ways God communicates to us.

Congregational Request Series #2: Discernment, Mistakes & Being in the Center o…

A sermon on a question from a congregant.  How do discernment and our mistakes interact with God's will for our lives?  Is there o…

Congregational Request Series #4: Baptism, Commitment & the Christian

A sermon answering questions regarding Baptism.   Acts 2:22-41 Acts 19:1-7 Romans 6:1-4

The Attributes of God (#14): God of Justice

A sermon about the justice of God.  We rely on it and yearn for it but also misunderstand it.  God has one standard, Himself. …

I Want to Know Christ & the Power of His Resurrection

An Easter sermon on Philippians 3:10-11 on the power of the resurrection that is ours in Christ Jesus. Matthew 28:1-9 1 Peter 1:1-9 Philippi…

Congregational Request Series #5: What We Need to Know about Us - God's Evaluat…

A sermon in response to a question.  We all have our own standards of measuring how we and others stack up.  But where do our stan…

Good Friday - Christ Bore Our Sins in His Body on the Tree

A Good Friday sermon on 1 Peter 2:13-15

Congregational Request Series #6: Loving People Without Judging them or Affirmi…

A sermon in answer to a question?  How can we love people who live in sin without affirming their sin or judging them?  Jesus set …

Acts #22 Peter and the Continuing Threefold Commission of Jesus to Preach, Heal…

A sermon on Acts 3:1-10.  Here is another miracle.  The Kingdom of God and its unbreakable connection to miracles.  The disci…

Acts #21 The Overall Theme of Acts & Our CCBC 2023 Vision Emphasis

A sermon on Acts 2:40-47 and the Vision Emphasis of Evangelism. A look at evangelism in the early church and what needless deterrences need …

Congregational Request Series #8: How Do We Know If a Desire Is from God or Us

A sermon in response to a question from the congregation.  How do we know if a desire if from God or from us?  The answer includes…

The Attributes of God (#15) Great Is Thy Faithfulness

A sermon on God's faithfulness.  Looking at Genesis 15:1-19 (faithful to His promises), Deuteronomy 7:7-9 (faithful to His chosen peopl…

Acts #23 There Is Power in the Name of Jesus & Our Part in Making Sure People K…

A sermon on Acts 3:11-16.  Some of the things miracles say to us.  God's purpose of bringing glory to Jesus through this miracle.&…

Living on Borrowed Credit - the Way It's Always Been!

A sermon on Romans 4:1-5.  The inability to earn salvation is not a new teaching. Paul shows us that it has been true all along even ba…

Blessed Is the One Whose Sins Are Forgiven and Covered

A sermon on Romans 4:6-8.  What is justification?  What are the three blessings we experience in justification?  Transgressio…

The Attributes of God (#16) Our Merciful and Patient God

A sermon on an attribute of God that is not stressed as it used to be.  We are "in Christ" only because God chose to show us …

John (#29) The Miracle, Its Message & the Mistaken Response

A sermon on John 6:1-15.  Some say the miracle was something less than miraculous.  The text doesn't allow that.  What does t…

Leveling the Playing Field: The Advantage of Knowing We Are All Sinners

A sermon on Romans 3:9-19.  Even though it is not popular it is helpful and a blessing to know that we are all sinners.  This way …

Acts #12 Christ Promised, Crucified, Risen, Exalted, & Now Working through the …

A sermon on Acts 2:29-35.  Peter's argument that Jesus resurrected from the dead is based on the fact the Jesus is working even while P…

Acts 27 The Day the Disciples Disobeyed the Authorities God Calls Us to Obey

A sermon on Acts 4:13-21.  When the earthly authorities God establishes and calls us to submit to ask us to do things He forbids or not…

Acts #29 The Very Noticeable Fruit of Being Filled with the Holy Spirit

A sermon on Acts 4:32-35.  There are three primary fruits of being filled afresh with the Holy Spirit in this text.  The good reas…

The Glorious Gospel Purpose of God's Law!

A sermon on Romans 3:19-20.  The purpose of the law is to show us that we are sinners. Galatians 2:15-21, 3:19-25 Note: During the orig…

Acts #26 The Thoroughly Unpopular Teaching of Salvation through Christ Alone

A sermon on Acts 4:5-12.  Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, says the same thing Jesus also said to a gathering of the most religious …

Acts #30 Trouble in Paradise: The Personhood of the Holy Spirit & God's Determi…

A sermon on Acts 4:36-5:11. Our problem with this text may go deeper than a simple case of what seems like unfairness.  This passage fo…

Jesus In My Place - When Justice Equals Mercy

A sermon on Romans 3:25-26.  The cross is the demonstration of both God's justice and His mercy. 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 1 Peter 2:22-25

Acts #14 - The Promise of Salvation, the Mystery of Divine Calling, & the Place…

A sermon on Acts 2:36-41.  The promise of God and who it is for.  "Salvation is of the Lord" (Jonah 2:9 but "Save y…

The Blessing of Knowing Who We Are and What We're Called to Do (Part 1)

The beginning of a sermon series on the book of Romans.  This sermon is on Romans 1:1a.  Paul tells us who he is by telling us his…

Acts #15 The First Four of the Twelve Dynamic Characteristics of the Early Chur…

A sermon on Acts 2:42.  What was the new church like.  The first four characteristics are instruction (hearing and DOING), fellows…

Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

An advent sermon on the biblical themes found in the texts of "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" and "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus&q…

Idolatry and the Wrath of Being Given Over to Depraved Thinking and Depraved Li…

A sermon on Romans 1:28-32.  A clarification on the difference between wrath and grace.  Eight signs that a person, group or natio…

Talking the Talk or Walking the Walk and the Experience That Makes the Differen…

A sermon on Romans 2:17-29.  Though this is a passage to those who calls themselves Jews it is just as applicable to those who call the…

Acts #16 Two More Dynamic Characteristics of the Early Church: Awe & Miracles

A sermon on Acts 2:43.   Awe and Miraculous Signs and Wonders. Psalm 95:1-7 Proverbs 9:10 Isaiah 6:1-8

Our Judgement, God's Judgement, and the Mercy that Leads to Repentance

A sermon on Romans 2:1-4.  We are all sinners, even the self-righteous.  We are never accepted simply by sinning less.  God's…

Spiritual Advantages, Not Saving Ordinances

A sermon on Romans 2:25-3:4.  In this text Paul deals with people's tendency to overreact.  Is there an advantage to Paul's reader…

Advent - Christmas and the Source of Our Peace

An advent sermon about peace.   Peace with God.  Inner peace and peace among people. Isaiah 9:1-7 Micah 5:1-5 Philippians 4:4-9 Co…

Why a Series of Messages on the Attributes of God

There is widespread confusion in our culture about who God is.  This sermon deals with why what we think about God matters and some bas…

Idolatry and the Wrath of Being Given Over to Sexual Immorality and to Unnatura…

This is a sermon on Romans 1:21-27.  How does God's wrath work in relation to our idolatrous misuse of His good gift of sex. 1 Corinthi…

John #2: Preparing the Way by Pointing to the One Who is the Way

A sermon on John 1:6-9.  John the Baptist came as a witness to testify concerning the light.  He was humble.  We need to know…

New Years, the Passing of Time, & the Path to True Change

A New Year's Sermon. Acts 3:17-26 Psalm 51:1-12 Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Acts #10 The First Christian Sermon: Jesus of Nazareth, the Man Certified by Go…

A sermon on Acts 2:22-24.  Many people knew that Jesus performed miracles, sign and wonders and yet they did not believe in Him.  …

Acts #11 Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament & Finding Our Joy in Him

A sermon on Acts 2:25-28.  How to read the OT the way Jesus instructed us.  David is speaking of Jesus in Psalm 16.  There is…

Acts #8 The Joy, Boldness, and Change the Holy Spirit Brings

A sermon on Acts 2:5-15.  When we are baptized with the Holy Spirit He brings us spiritual gifts.  He brings joy, peace and boldne…

Advent #3 When You Get the Sense that God Is Up to Something New

A sermon on Luke 1:57-80.  The loved and favored are not those pampered by God.  Sometimes there is a need to break with cherished…

Christmas, the Prophet of the Most High & the Rising Sun Sent from Heaven

A Christmas Day sermon on Luke 1:76-80 continuing an Advent series.  Learning from Zachariah's Spirit-prompted prophecy. Isaiah 9:1-6 M…

The Blessing of Knowing Who We Are and What We're Called to Do (Part 3)

A sermon on the last part of Romans 1:1.  Paul tells us that he is set apart to preach the Gospel of God.  This clear purpose help…

The Attributes of God (#2) - The Necessity of Our One God Being a Trinity

A sermon on the nature and necessity of the Trinity as the true expression of God's nature that we find in the Bible.